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by MenOnPaperArt

Soft Cover|96 Pages|20×25 cm


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About the artist :

Wim Beullens, born into a hard-working middle-class family in 1968, still lives in the village of his birth on the outskirts of Brussels. 


At sixteen, he attended his first art school, later joining the academy in Antwerp, an institution with a traditional reputation, particularly for life-drawing. Tempted to focus on this field, he developed his familiarity with the necessary skills and techniques, enthralled by the endless uniqueness of the human form.


Working also on landscapes in watercolour, he extended his expertise in colour and composition, eventually developing a style embracing the realism of the Old Masters and the great illustrators of the modern age. 


Eventually his confidence in the craftsmanship of his drawings prompted him to take his work to a public audience, initially through a blog on social media. A warm reception to his drawings resulted in magazine and book publications with exhibitions in Amsterdam, Antwerp and elsewhere in Belgium. Galleries in Groningen, the MooiMan, and in Turnhout, the Mara, are currently selling his work.


Concentrating nowadays on his favourite subject, the male nude, enables us to share this selection of images, hand-picked by Wim, and crafted by, in his words, 'a gay, an artist, yes, a gay artist.'

Wim Beullens

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